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ResearchMatch is a nonprofit program from Vanderbilt University Medical Center funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It helps to connect people interested in research studies with researchers from top medical centers across the U.S.

Man blowing his nose.

Update: Fall immunizations: COVID-19, flu, and RSV

September 13, 2023
Person typing on a computer

Volunteer spotlight: Rafhaela (Ella) Vedia

September 13, 2023

SCID Compass Library

Meet families affected by SCID, learn more about the resources available, and find out more about the SCID journey. 

Job Research Foundation

Funds research into Job syndrome with the hope of finding better therapies and treatments for those living with the disease.

APS Type 1 Foundation

The foundation's activities are focused on connecting patients and families to the best care possible, providing clinician-scientists with opportunities to connect with patients and share their work, while driving research forward by awarding significant grants.

IPEX Foundation

To improve the treatment, quality of life, and long term outlook for children and adults living with IPEX syndrome through research, support, education, and advocacy to families and patients. 

XLA Life

XLA Life fosters the unification and empowerment of the global X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia (XLA) community through education, advocacy, and initiatives that aim to improve the overall quality of life for those affected by XLA.

map with points marked on journey

SCID: Questions for your child's healthcare team

September 10, 2023
Print Material Fallback

SCID newborn screening results fact sheet

September 10, 2023
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