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Building community of young adults with CGD

May 05, 2020

Transitioning into adulthood is both exciting and overwhelming, often marked by changes and challenges. It is a time of discovering ownership, exploring educational and career paths, forming relationships, traveling, and taking responsibility for your healthcare. But living with a chronic condition, such as Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD), adds an additional dimension to the experience. Next Step offers teens and young adults living with rare genetic/chronic disorders an opportunity to build community, share resources, and have fun with their annual Campferences. They are reserving a few spots for young adults living with CGD. A Next Step Campference is what you get if you mash up summer camp and a conference: all the fun and all the knowledge without anyone droning at you from the front of a meeting room for hours.

Historically, Campferences are overnight programs of 3 nights and 4 days created by and for young people living with similar diagnoses. Over shared stories, music, laughter and hard-won knowledge from the trenches, participants have the opportunity to form deep and meaningful connections with other participants, then head back to the “real world” knowing you are part of a community that has your back. In light of current circumstances, Next Step has redesigned their summer Campference to be 100% virtual. That’s right, you can experience a Campference in the comfort of your own home with an internet connection! For more information on this opportunity visit If you have questions please don't hesitate to reach out to Next Step directly at