Hyper IgM syndromes (HIGM)
Hyper IgM syndromes (HIGM) are characterized by decreased levels of immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the blood and normal or elevated levels of immunoglobulin M (IgM).
Hyper IgM syndromes (HIGM) are characterized by decreased levels of immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the blood and normal or elevated levels of immunoglobulin M (IgM).
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Most individuals with HIGM develop clinical symptoms during their first or second year of life. The most common problem in all forms of HIGM is an increased susceptibility to infection, including recurrent upper and lower respiratory tract infections. The most frequent serious infective agents are bacteria, but viral illnesses are also more frequent and severe.
In people with XHIGM and autosomal recessive HIGM due to a CD40 variant, a variety of other microorganisms can also cause serious infections. For example, Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, an opportunistic infection, is relatively common during the first year of life, and its presence may be the first clue that a child has HIGM.
Gastrointestinal complaints, most commonly diarrhea and malabsorption, also occur commonly in XHIGM and CD40 deficiency. One of the major organisms causing gastrointestinal symptoms in XHIGM is Cryptosporidium. A Cryptosporidium infection may cause sclerosing cholangitis—a severe, often fatal, disease of the liver.
Approximately half of the individuals with XHIGM or CD40 deficiency develop neutropenia (low count of white blood cells called neutrophils), either transiently or persistently. The cause of the neutropenia is unknown, although most individuals respond to treatment with colony-stimulating factor, G-CSF. Severe neutropenia is often associated with oral ulcers, inflammation, ulceration of the rectum (proctitis), and skin infections.
Autoimmune disorders may also occur in individuals with HIGM, especially those with defects in AID or UNG. Autoimmune manifestations may include chronic arthritis, low platelet counts (thrombocytopenia), hemolytic anemia, hypothyroidism, and kidney disease.
Enlargement of the lymph nodes and the spleen is seen frequently in those with autosomal recessive HIGM due to defects of AID or UNG. As a result, they often have enlarged tonsils and adenoids that may cause snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.
Finally, the risk for cancer, particularly liver cancer, increases in individuals with XHIGM or CD40 deficiency. A few individuals with HIGM have developed a rapidly progressive neuroendocrine carcinoma.
XHIGM should be considered in any boy presenting with severe, recurrent respiratory infections or an opportunistic infection who has low or absent IgG and normal or elevated IgM levels with normal T cell and B cell numbers. The presence of neutropenia, in addition to the above features, increases the likelihood of having XHIGM.
Failure to express CD40 ligand on activated T cells is a characteristic finding. Some express a non-functional CD40 ligand protein that may be detected by the antibody used in the test (falsely normal test result) but will not bind to a soluble form of CD40. Confirming the diagnosis of XHIGM depends on the identification of a variant affecting the CD40 ligand gene. Carriers of XHIGM can be identified by finding decreased expression of CD40 ligand on activated CD4 T-lymphocytes (on average, 50% of the cells will be normal) and confirmed by genetic testing.
The autosomal recessive forms of HIGM can be suspected if an individual has the characteristics of XHIGM but is either female, or is a male who has no variants in the CD40 ligand gene, with normal protein expression on activated T cells. The diagnosis of the different forms of autosomal recessive HIGM can also be confirmed by variant analysis of the genes known to cause these disorders.
X-linked hyper IgM (XHIGM) is inherited as an X-linked recessive disorder, and typically only boys are affected. In girls, all cells randomly inactivate one of the X chromosomes. Very rarely, female carriers of XHIGM may have markedly skewed X chromosome inactivation such that most of their cells (>95%) have the X chromosome with the CD40 ligand gene variant active in their cells and may present with a milder form of the disease.
Since the autosomal recessive forms of HIGM require that the gene on both chromosomes be affected, by inheriting one variant from each parent, they are less frequent than XHIGM. The likelihood of having an autosomal recessive form of HIGM is increased if the parents are related prior to marriage.
If the precise variant in the affected gene is known in a given family, it is possible to make a prenatal diagnosis or test family members to see if they are carriers of the variant. Early diagnosis of any HIGM will allow initiation of treatment prior to the development of long-term consequences of serious infections.
There is a broad range of severity seen amongst individuals with different genetic forms of HIGM. Those with variants primarily involving antibody switching can be effectively treated by Ig replacement therapy and can live long, productive lives. Those with associated defects in T cell activation characteristically have more significant immune deficits and may encounter additional problems, including susceptibility to more dangerous types of infections, as well as the development of cancer.
The experience with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is encouraging for those with more severe diseases. A recent study looking at the outcome of individuals treated with HSCT as compared to those who were not did not show an overall decrease in mortality. When the data was examined over time, however, there was a trend for decreased mortality if the transplant was done more recently. In addition, those who had survived HSCT had a better quality of life, and none had developed cancer at the time of the study. Further studies are needed to evaluate the long-term outcomes of HSCT.
The Hyper IgM Foundation works to improve the treatment, quality of life and the long term outlook for children and adults living with Hyper IgM Syndrome through research, support, education and advocacy to families and patients.
This page contains general medical and/or legal information that cannot be applied safely to any individual case. Medical and/or legal knowledge and practice can change rapidly. Therefore, this page should not be used as a substitute for professional medical and/or legal advice. Additionally, links to other resources and websites are shared for informational purposes only and should not be considered an endorsement by the Immune Deficiency Foundation.
Adapted from the IDF Patient & Family Handbook for Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases, Sixth Edition.
Copyright ©2019 by Immune Deficiency Foundation, USA
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