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Planning for a healthy, productive school year with CGD

August 17, 2016

From preschoolers to college students, preparation for the upcoming school year is well underway. For those students living with chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), the new school year can bring about unique questions and concerns.

Can my child with CGD go to school? 

Yes. With daily prophylaxis, many young patients with CGD can lead lives like other children. As a result, children with CGD can attend preschool, K-12th grade, college, and beyond, and can also participate in most regular activities. Students with CGD, however, may miss school more frequently because they are sick and/or have doctor’s appointments. It’s important for them to avoid exposure to school-related activities that can put them at risk, such as playing in sandboxes, field trips to a farm, planting seeds in the soil, or taking a hayride. Communication with the school is key.

What should I tell the school?

 Parents should establish and maintain a strong, open line of communication with the school, including teachers, administrators, nurses, and counselors. These individuals, along with your child’s physicians, play important roles in your child’s health and well-being.

Be sure to contact the principal and request a meeting to discuss your child’s diagnosis. Include your child’s teacher(s) if possible. Important materials to share with school personnel include:

Remember that you are your child’s best advocate, and IDF provides resources and materials to help ensure a successful and fulfilling educational experience for your child.