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Donor spotlight: Peggy Garcia

June 30, 2021

Peggy Garcia was diagnosed with Severe Specific Antibody Deficiency (SAD) in December of 2019, after facing 25 years of vague and sometimes debilitating symptoms. Receiving such a specific diagnosis became bittersweet for Peggy. On the one hand, she was relieved to have a definitive diagnosis and know it’s not life-ending. But on the other hand, Peggy was frightened. She didn’t know what to expect and what her new life with a SAD diagnosis would entail. 

Wanting to understand her condition fully, Peggy’s immunologist suggested that she visit the IDF website and take advantage of the readily available educational materials and support. 

Since visiting the website and joining various IDF events, Peggy shares, “I have so appreciated the information gleaned from the IDF, especially the forums!  They always seem to answer the questions and thoughts I have while navigating through treatment and the pandemic. The patient education and support have been invaluable.”

After a year of utilizing IDF’s resources, it only made sense to Peggy to give back and provide support. That is why on Giving Tuesday in 2020, Peggy became a recurring donor and donated to IDF monthly, joining the IDF Sustainer’s Club. 

“I provide support to ensure IDF is always there for the immunodeficient population and their families in the future,” said Peggy.  

We want to personally thank Peggy for supporting the primary immunodeficiency (PI) community with her monthly donations and sharing her PI story. If you are inspired and wish to give back like Peggy, please click here: